Options & Preferences

It is actually quite simple to integrate with Second Life's standard viewer - other viewer configuration may vary. 

Avatar Name Hopefully this is you.
Include Folder This is the default include folder for external code files and where you store .lsl scripts on your hard disk.
Set Environment This is where the integration with Second Life happens. 

If the box is ticked, Second Life will load the preprocessor/editor when you click the "Edit" button when editing a script in world.
Optimiser If ticked, the optimiser will run, and any unused variables/functions will be commented out.
#define CompileDate If ticked, the preprocessor will add a few extra #defines with useful compile date information.
Global #Defines It is possible to redefine a define macro.
Unticked: Define macros are usually processed in order WITH code, the current definition of any #define will be used.  (ie, no forward definitions)
Ticked: define macros will be processed BEFORE code, so the last definition of any #define will be used. (This means you can use a macro before it is defined)
Note: Use of global defines may have unintended results with the use of #ifdef #ifndef #else #endif
External Code editor If for some reason you are still using another code editor, please add it here. Saved code files will be loaded in your old editor when you click open in external editor.
Tab sizeNumber of spaces that tab takes up. (Default 4) Change takes place on new code tabs only.
FontAllows you to change the default font on the code editor.  Change takes place on new code tabs only. (default: Consolas, 10pt [9.75])


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Side Tabs

Defines Tab
Contains a list of all known defined macros and their values.  Double-click on them to go to the line they are defined in their original file.
Functions Tab
Contains a list of all known global functions and their parameters.  Double-click on them to go to the line they are defined in their original file.
Globals Tab
Contains a list of all known global variables and their initial values.  Double-click on them to go to the line they are initilised in their original file.
Insert Tab
Ever forgotten a llFunction or constant ?  This tab contains a set of drop down lists to insert any function into the code.  Events can also be inserted into the code, along with their parameters.  You can also insert any known global functions, variables, or defines.
Includes Tab
Contains a tree view of the includes folder, along with any sub folders.  Double clicking a script or text file will load it in the editor.
Files Tab
Contains a list of all included files in the main script you are working on, along with the date last modified.